For online banking background, the advent of the Internet and the popularity of personal computers presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the banking industry. For years, financial institutions have used powerful computer networks to automate millions of daily transactions. The aim of the research is to investigate the driving forces and barriers for using online banking in the U.K. A detail literature review of literature suggested that online banks should build the customer confidence by creating security and trust. Trust has a more direct effect on an individual’s behaviour than perceived ease of use in the online banking context. Banks must tackle online fraud and do more to promote security among their online customers. The researcher chose 10 respondents who have extensive experiences, for at least 5 years, in using online banking services to evaluate the customer perception of online banking in the U.K. An in-depth interview method was selected to collect data. The researcher used a computer program, MaxQda (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) for coding data and identifying the key themes.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
The literature review
The motivations for customers using online banking
The driving forces and attractions of online banking
The positive attributes of online banking
The reasons for customers not using online banking
Barriers of online banking
The negative attributes of online banking
The comparison between online banking and high street banking
Why customers perceive online banking as better than high street banking
Why customers perceive high street banking as better than online banking
The expected services of online banking
The features of online banking
Preparing the strategy for customers by online banking service providers
Retaining online banking customers
Creating the customer loyalty
Building the customer confidence on online banking
Meeting customer expectations (customer service satisfaction levels) by service providers
3. Methodology
Research philosophy and approach
Social anthropology
Collaborative social research
Research strategy
Research design
Building a conceptual framework
Design of interview questions
Scope of this research
Research instrument
Research design issues
The interview
The structure of the interview
Focusing qualitative data
The data analysis
Use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software (MaxQda)
Data management
Coding (the generic term)
Time planning
4. Data Analysis And Findings
The data analysis and findings
Why do the customers use online banking?
Driving forces
Bank attractions
Positive attributes (factors)
Why do customers feel reluctant to use online banking?
Negative attributes (factors)
Why is online banking better than high street banks?
Comparison the online service’s quality with high street banks
Why is online banking worse than high street banks?
Comparison the high street banking with online banking services
What do the customers expect from online banking?
How is the online banking function in customer’s point of view?
What does online banking attempt to rehearse improvably for their online customers?
Retaining online customers
Creating the customer loyalty
Building client confidences
Meeting client expectations
5. Conclusions
6. Research Reflections And Limitations
Download Here: Dissertation
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
The literature review
The motivations for customers using online banking
The driving forces and attractions of online banking
The positive attributes of online banking
The reasons for customers not using online banking
Barriers of online banking
The negative attributes of online banking
The comparison between online banking and high street banking
Why customers perceive online banking as better than high street banking
Why customers perceive high street banking as better than online banking
The expected services of online banking
The features of online banking
Preparing the strategy for customers by online banking service providers
Retaining online banking customers
Creating the customer loyalty
Building the customer confidence on online banking
Meeting customer expectations (customer service satisfaction levels) by service providers
3. Methodology
Research philosophy and approach
Social anthropology
Collaborative social research
Research strategy
Research design
Building a conceptual framework
Design of interview questions
Scope of this research
Research instrument
Research design issues
The interview
The structure of the interview
Focusing qualitative data
The data analysis
Use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software (MaxQda)
Data management
Coding (the generic term)
Time planning
4. Data Analysis And Findings
The data analysis and findings
Why do the customers use online banking?
Driving forces
Bank attractions
Positive attributes (factors)
Why do customers feel reluctant to use online banking?
Negative attributes (factors)
Why is online banking better than high street banks?
Comparison the online service’s quality with high street banks
Why is online banking worse than high street banks?
Comparison the high street banking with online banking services
What do the customers expect from online banking?
How is the online banking function in customer’s point of view?
What does online banking attempt to rehearse improvably for their online customers?
Retaining online customers
Creating the customer loyalty
Building client confidences
Meeting client expectations
5. Conclusions
6. Research Reflections And Limitations
Download Here: Dissertation