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Showing posts from 2011

New Dissertation Titles

Samsung Corporation and the IT Compatible Supplies Industry: An In-Depth Analysis of the Impact of Brand Image and Its Relevance to Consumer Choice External Finance and Firm Performance : Evidence From China Organisational Decision Making Assessment and Improvement A Study into the Effects of Organisational Culture on Employee Motivation A Review into Project Theoretical Concepts and Models in Regards to the Management of Change and Conflict An Examination into the Deployment of Supply Chain Management at Sony Electronics: Does It Increase Productivity and Customer Satisfaction? A Study Into The Importance of OFR Reporting In Annual Reports of Companies A Study into the Effectiveness of Private Finance Initiative An Analysis into Harmonization issues of CAS and IFRS - A Critical study of A-shares and B-shares issued in Stock Exchanges By Listed Companies The Prospectus Directive – A Study into the Impact of European Regulation on the Public Regulated Markets of Poland and the United Ki...

New Dissertation Titles

An Analysis into the Use of Sports Marketing As an Effective Marketing Tool and Its Importance to the Marketing Communication Mix Inventory Optimization Techniques: A comparative Study of the Inventory Optimization Technique Used by Telecom Retailers Development and Promotion of Tourism in Saudi Arabia MBA - E-Business Strategy Review Report for A Study to Highlight the Importance of Brand Awareness in Brand Choice from a Cultural Perspective An Investigation on How Effective Strategic Partnering is within the UK Construction Industry MBA - E-Business Strategy Review Report for A Comparison of the Marketing Mix in a Developed and a Developing Country How Do Supplier Collaboration Practices Improve Quality and Competitiveness in the Automotive Industry? An Analysis into Drinking Patterns of University Students Energy Efficiency Compliance with Building Regulations 2006, for a standard House Type From a Private House Builders Perspective Barriers to Construction SMEs ...