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Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping Solution For Job Task Management

In today’s era, different facilities have become available for building customized application that uses available maps and its extensive database. In this perspective, it would be very helpful if a commercial application could have been developed using an easy to use Maps API. The customized application can be developed that is easy to use for general public to request their job tasks and field operatives to get and maintain allocated job tasks details easily. A successful creation of application should provide the easy to use interface for public to find the required location on the map and submit job task request specifying its location and few details to city council. It should also facilitate the field operatives to login their own account and allow them to view allocated job tasks and maintain updated details related to allocated job tasks. The application has been developed in such a way that it provides user friendly interface for job task requester and all functionalities which are easy to use and available in worker’s log in for maintaining job task details.

1. Introduction

2. Relevant technologies and concepts
Google Maps API
Google Ajax Search API
Yahoo Maps API
Microsoft Virtual Earth API
Oracle Database

3. Design and Implementation of application
Design of the application
Database design of the application
Submitting the job task request form
Allocating the job tasks
Viewing the allocated job tasks
Viewing the completed job tasks
Updating the location and details related to job tasks
Updating the job task status
Implementation of different web pages involved in application
The web page to submit job task requests
The web page for job task allocation to workers
The web page to add different workers
The web page to view different allocated job tasks to different workers
The web page to update the location and details of allocated jobtasks
The web page to update the allocation status of job tasks
The web page to view completed job tasks
The web page to login the application as a user
The web page to view different allocated jobtasks to worker
The web page to update the location and details of allocated jobtasks
The web page to update the status of allocated job task
The web page to view the completed job tasks

4. Illustration of Geographic Information System Mapping Solution
Demonstration of `Request Job task` web page
Demonstration of `User Account Login` web page
Demonstration of `Allocate jobtasks to workers` web page
Demonstration of `Worker Information Input Form` web page
Demonstration of `View Allocated jobtasks’ location and details` web page
Demonstration of `Update the location and details of jobtask` web page
Demonstration of `Update the status of allocated jobtasks` web page
Demonstration of `View Completed jobtasks’ location and details` web page
Demonstration of `View Allocated jobtasks’ location and details` web page
Demonstration of `Update the location and details of jobtask` web page
Demonstration of `Update the status of allocated jobtasks` web page
Demonstration of `View Completed jobtasks’ location and details` web page
Evaluation of the application

5. Future Work

6. Conclusion


Appendix A - Source code example

Download Here: Dissertation

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