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Globalization in Nursing

Source: Nursing Dissertations

Globalization is a term that is used when referring to the elimination of trade barriers, cultural exchange, and communication. The aim of globalization is to create worldwide openness, in order to promote the wealth of every nation. Through globalization, there occurs technological, political, economic, and cultural exchange. The major factors that make it possible for these exchanges involve infrastructure, communication, and transportation. This term cannot just be discussed and discarded because it has been in existence for many years, and it exists in different forms. The different forms have an impact on the world that we and our descendants will live in. This means that an individual understanding the world that he lives in can be of use in shaping the world, for a better tomorrow. Globalization has been of benefit to the nations, but it also needs to be watched carefully because its potential destabilizing influence needs to be controlled. Globalization has had both negative and positive impact, in the world. The impact has been felt economically, socially, politically, in terms of culture, and more. Globalization can be described by developing countries as a big boon. However, according to some people, it can only be described as a curse to the developing countries. Even with its negative effects, globalization has increased and this has highly benefited national economies, and international producers.
Globalization has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is GDP being increased. According to statistics, developing countries’ GDP appears to have doubled. It has also reduced unemployment, for example in countries like India, and China. There is also the increment of education. To the jobs that need people with higher skills, the motivation has been globalization. The demand has allowed individuals to go for higher learning. The completion can be said to be on an even plat form. Globally, the companies are competing and the global platform is one. This way, consumers have better options. Increase in foreign currency and the market is the other advantage. The process of globalization has stimulated the development of the business potential. It has also made it possible for people to improve their performance, because they can access help from affiliated companies that are located in other parts of the world.

The disadvantages with globalization are also many. For example, the distribution of wealth is uneven. Only a few people can be regarded as wealthy and especially in the developing countries, a common man is yet to experience the good side of globalization. The income gap between countries that are developed and the developing is significant. As the wealth of the developed countries continues growing, it is double that of developing nations. The wage standards are different for developing countries. In developed countries, the value that a technology worker gets is much more, compared to those in developing countries. The other limitation is the reversal of globalization which can occur in the future due to factors like war. Owing to increased trade, pollution has also increased; therefore, contributing to the emission of CO2 as well as global warming. By trade growing, it has led to the acceleration of depletion of resources that are non-renewable, for example soil.
Just as with other sectors, there is globalization in nursing. Globally, the nurses have provided quality health care, through their commitment, and contribution. The process of globalization has had a significant impact on nursing, as well as global health. Even if there are challenges and the good side of this globalization, every individual needs to realize that the future of health and Nursing depends on people’s political and collective choices.

The challenges that come with globalization of Nursing exceed the benefits. In this essay, the pros and cons of globalization in nursing are discussed, and solutions to the challenges too.

Among the challenges that are associated with higher education, which is accessible through globalization, is that the nursing practices and education methods vary internationally. There are mechanisms that enable nurses to be migrating, globally. There are even some countries that educate nurses specifically for export, and this can result in remittances to the home country.

Although efficiency can be enhanced through expansion that is led by the market, it does not lead to equity. The reason is that in the health field, there is unequal distribution of the benefits associated with competitive markets. Even with the opportunity for developing cutting edge and innovative services, competition, healthcare market, and national labor problems that are unsettled can lead to employment vulnerability. It can also reduce services that are funded by the public, and reduce access to the healthcare services, for the public.

The WTO rules are said to have a bias against countries that are developing. The trade interests seem to receive more attention compared to environmental concerns. The supporters of WTO feel that free trade can be boosted by the international trade agreements. The agreements can also lead to the creation of jobs, cutting costs, lead to flow of goods, ideas and services and this will make a country develop. This will lead to greater inequity for vulnerable groups like nurses. People not only find themselves unprepared, but also unable to compete, with regard to a global labor market that is increasingly competitive.

Due to inequity that comes with globalization of Nursing, susceptibility to diseases that are infectious increases as do those that are due to malnutrition. The children are more vulnerable to this and there is also propensity for violence, and psychiatric disorders. Those that are inappropriately affected are the women, because they are vulnerable in their child-rearing and child-bearing years.
With the globalization of this sector, for one to become a professional, it needs sacrifices and efforts. The quality that is experienced in the nursing care is what is used in measuring professionalism. However, the fee that is associated with professionalism can discourage people because of being exceptionally high. Owing to overregulation, nurses can be affected adversely. This is more so when they are concerned about how to take medical steps, because of fear of malpractice allegations. Globalization in nursing has adversely affected the poor population. Poverty is related to health expectations and conditions. Most of the diseases can be found in the poor countries. However, the resources that globally fall under health are about 10%, or less. The health investment and policies matter, yet the human resource for handling the health cases are not enough. With the fast changes that have been experienced in the social, economic, political and cultural fields, the advances in biotechnology and importance of universal perspective with regard to health ethics, have challenged people’s moral imagination in numerous ways. Through globalization, those in the nursing profession have experienced changes in their ethics. The global ethics have become dominant and are referred to instead of the local ones.
One of the good sides of this globalization is the positive impact it has had on Higher education, with regard to nurses. The demand for this education has increased globally. The education offers are across countries. Through such education, those in the Nursing profession can benefit from having educational standards that are common since the world is globalized. Having higher education is a great way of responding to the need for workers that are highly skilled. Through globalization, the nurses are able to access opportunities that enable them to develop new jobs, cutting-edge technology, and innovative services. Through globalization, nurses have been stimulated in terms of raising their standards. Expansions that are market-led will enhance efficiency for the nurses. The global demands and trends call for professionalism in nursing, with regard to nursing practice. Globalization has played a role in globalizing nursing knowledge. Nurses that live in any of the western countries communicate their research, ideas and theories freely, without censoring some material. The material reaches a numerous number of students. The educational material and array of literature allows global dissemination. Among the significant impacts of WTO are the rules that govern the nursing field, through a Mutual Recognition Agreement. The agreement was signed by Asia’s 10 countries. The aim was to promote professionalism among the nurses.

In conclusion, some of the challenges that come with globalization of nurses can be solved. For example, the rapid changes that occur to the political, social, cultural and economic fields are fast and drastic, therefore the affect an individual’s collective health. To be able to handle the challenges and processes, the discipline of nursing needs to be strengthened. The advancement must be compatible with environmental and human needs. In Nursing, combining collaborative efforts is essential. Thinking about Nurses requires reflecting globally, on the current structures, since historical roots, and applying local methods in solving problems. This way the transformation is made with ecological and social responsibility. There are strategies that are crucial with regard to care. The cultural values also need to be encouraged. This is because it can help in performing care culturally, and one must favor building health behaviors, and attitudes. Even with the presence of globalization, the future of health and Nursing depends on the people’s political and collective choices.


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